The 4 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Online Education for K-12 Scholars

By March 22, 2017 July 12th, 2017 Blog

Online education has become increasingly popular over the past decade. There are many benefits, including a more flexible learning schedule, a personalized learning experience, and so much more. Many families are considering online education for their K-12 scholar, but rightfully so, they have many important questions about the process.

Here are the top four most commonly asked questions about online education for K-12 scholars:

What is the online education experience like for K-12 scholars?
Online education offers a school experience close to what scholars would find in a traditional school, with a few additional benefits. For example, scholars can adjust their daily school schedule to better meet their unique needs. CCS scholars have competitive academic responsibilities, but they can break up their lessons throughout each day to create a more productive and personalized routine.

CCS has a great team of credentialed teachers who support scholars through online instruction with live/interactive lessons in online classes. Then, the Learning Coach (parent) supports the scholar while offline at home. Although all lessons are online, for elementary (K-5) scholars there are additional materials that are sent directly to your home to supplement the online experience. Also, some scholars prefer to print out assignments and complete them in a notebook or on the worksheet.

Every scholar has their own personal academic preferences and online education offers scholars a flexible program to best suit their personality and educational needs.

In an independent study program, how does the school know if my scholar is successful?
Families that choose independent study through online education often ask how schools track and assess each scholar’s academic progress. At CCS, scholars are monitored regularly by teachers throughout the school year to be sure that they are making progress in their courses. In middle (6-8) and high (9-12) school, scholars are also supported by our dedicated Counseling Services Team.

Attendance and participation are closely monitored by school staff. CCS scholars must log their time spent on school work, provide samples of their work, attend virtual meetings, and submit all projects and assignments on time.

Our staff is in regular communication with the Learning Coaches (parents) to maintain an open dialog to help each scholar succeed in our program. We firmly believe in our partnership between scholar, Learning Coaches and staff and work together to support the scholar.

Do online education programs offer extra-curricular activities, clubs and field trips?
Yes, many online education programs offer extra-curricular activities. CCS offers scholars and their families the opportunity to participate in multiple field trips and enrichment activities every month. Scholars can join CCS Clubs, which are scholar-driven communities full of like-minded individuals who want explore a particular topic together. Scholars are also encouraged to join local sports teams. CCS is now NCAA eligible, which allows high school scholars to enroll in NCAA approved courses and apply for an NCAA academic scholarship to continue playing sports at the collegiate level.

Do scholars that choose online education have to participate in state testing?
Yes, state testing is a requirement for all scholars that choose online education in California. CCS teachers prepare scholars for state tests and offer parents virtual workshops to learn about state testing. The tests are held in a variety of convenient locations throughout California and dates and times vary.

Online education offers scholars a fulfilling educational experience with less distractions and more engagement opportunities. CCS strives to offer families a well-supported educational experience that helps scholars become innovative, creative, self-directed, lifelong learners.
Interested in learning even more about online education through Compass Charter Schools? Check out our academic programs, or contact our enrollment team at or (877) 506-8631.

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