Proof of Residence

According to the California Department of Education Residency Guidelines, you must reside in one of the following California counties to be eligible for enrollment in the CCS schools listed below:

Compass Charter Schools of San Diego:
San Diego, Imperial, Orange, and Riverside Counties

Compass Charter Schools of Yolo:
Yolo, Colusa, Lake, Napa, Sacramento, Solano, and Sutter Counties

Compass Charter Schools of Los Angeles:
Los Angeles, Kern, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties

You will need to provide TWO of the following documents as acceptable proofs of residency to confirm your eligibility for enrollment:

  • A residential service utility bill dated within the past 45 days. 
  • A cable or telephone bill (including Cellular Phones) within the past 45 days
  • A deed, Title to residential real property, mortgage payment dated within the past 45 days, or CA property tax bill dated within the last year
  • Rental/lease agreement with signatures of the owner/landlord and the tenant/resident, Section 8 Agreement, Rental Property Contracts, Rental Payment Receipts
  • Original copy of an approved Claim for Homeowners’ Property Tax Exemption (BOE-266) form fled with a local California County Assessor. 
  • Voter Registration letter or postcard issued by the California Secretary of State or a local California county elections officer.
  • Medical Documents, Insurance documents including medical, dental, vision, life, home, rental, and vehicle.
  • Employment Document 
  • Faith-based document with the name/address of the issuing organization.
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) return
  • Proof of payment of resident tuition to a California public institution of higher education.
  • An acceptable No Fee Identification Card Eligibility Verification form DL 933. 
  • Any document issued by an entity, office, or authority governing over a country, state, county, city, municipality, district, agency, department, or any other political subdivision of a country or state that is typed and contains the agency name, department name, state seal, or is on official letterhead dated within the past 45 days.
  • Record of any state or national banks, state or federal savings associations, trust companies, industrial loan companies, state or federal credit unions, and any institution or entity that has issued a credit card.
  • Letterhead from a homeless shelter, shelter for abused women, nonprofit entity, employer, faith based organization, or government within the U.S. attesting that the applicant is a resident of listed address. 
  • A court document that lists the applicant as a resident of California. 
  • A California vehicle/vessel Certificate of Title or registration
  • Change of address confirmation from the U.S. Postal Service (Form CNL107)
  • Declaration of residency executed by the student’s parent/guardian, or student if 18 years or age or an “unaccompanied adult”.
  • If the scholar is residing in the home of a caregiving adult within boundaries, an affidavit executed by the caregiving adult in accordance with Family Code 6552

If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Enrollment Team 877-506-8631 to discuss acceptable alternatives.