Compass Charter Schools (CCS) Names their September Scholars of the Month

By October 5, 2020 May 16th, 2024 News

CONTACT: Kimberly Aguilar, (805) 341-4689

Compass Charter Schools (CCS) Names their September
Scholars of the Month

Thousand Oaks, CA – CCS is proud of its scholars and uses its Scholar of the Month program to recognize their accomplishments. The program also ties into the CCS core values of achievement, respect, teamwork, integrity, and communication. Scholars are nominated by teachers and staff for their academic excellence, work ethic, leadership skills, and virtual involvement, and selected by the leadership team for the monthly honor.

Compass Charter Schools of Los Angeles (serving the counties of Los Angeles, Kern, San Bernardino, and Ventura):

Elementary School Scholar of the Month: Aribella K. of Canoga Park

“I have had the pleasure of working with Ari for several years now,” shares Ms. Fisher, Supervising Teacher. “Each year, she works incredibly hard on her reading and math goals (and makes sure she has fun while doing it.) Ari’s hard work has paid off because she rocked the fall diagnostic assessments! I cannot wait to see all that Ari accomplishes this year.”

Middle School Scholar of the Month: Logan W. of Pasadena

Ms. Marroquin, supervising teacher, shares, “Logan participated in the California State Games for archery over this past weekend, and he persevered to win a first-place medal for his age group and archery class (barebow). Logan also plays the violin amazingly. I am excited to see his work samples at the end of the month. Logan is a well-rounded Compass scholar.”

High School Scholar of the Month: Michelle R. of Pasadena

“Michelle has been a beacon of light in both her homeroom and Spanish classes,” shares Mrs. Davis, High School Teacher. “She assists her fellow scholars in various ways. She helps guide scholars by recording and uploading vocaroo links into the LMS. During the first weekly learning lab, with the teacher’s lead, she demonstrated to her peers how to get started with successful audio recordings for Spanish. During the second learning lab, she demonstrated how to copy and paste work in the comments box to help scholars avoid time-consuming file creation. Not only does she stay abreast of her own work, but she also contributes to the classroom community by sharing her knowledge with her peers. Michelle is compassionate, kind, generous, and diligent. Above all, she is a valuable asset to the learning community at Compass Charter Schools.”

Compass Charter Schools of San Diego (serving the counties of San Diego, Imperial, Orange, and Riverside):

Elementary School Scholar of the Month: Charlotte G. of Winchester

“Charlotte is our Scholar of the Month for Achievement because she has been working very hard since kindergarten to learn her letters and sounds,” shares Ms. Sottile. “At our most recent connection meeting, she was proud to show me her spelling test, on which she spelled most of her sight words correctly. She has been writing words, reading words, and has significantly excelled in her language arts skills! Great work, Charlotte!”

Middle School Scholar of the Month: Aiden M. of Tustin

“Aiden is excellent at communicating and participates in Learning Lab,” shares Ms. Angelo, Middle School Teacher. “He always has his camera on, and I can tell he puts in a lot of hard work. Aiden is a high achiever with all A’s. Great job, Aiden! Keep up the good work!”

High School Scholar of the Month: Joshua H. of Vista

“Joshua is in his final semester of high school. He is working full time and is his own Learning Coach and still able to maintain success,” shares Supervising Teacher, Ms. Richardson. “I am so impressed with his maturity, tenacity, and work ethic. He communicates with me regularly, strives to be his best, and does not take the easy way out or make excuses. I am so impressed! Congratulations, Joshua!”

 Compass Charter Schools of Yolo (serving the counties of Yolo, Colusa, Lake, Napa, Sacramento, Solano, and Sutter):

Elementary School Scholar of the Month: Daylon R. of Lakeport

“Daylon is an excellent communicator and is eager to share all that he is learning during our connections sessions,” shares Mrs. Guerrero, Supervising Teacher. “He works hard in all subject areas and is excited and is always willing to share what he is doing.”

Middle School Scholar of the Month: Joshua V. of Napa

“Joshua is off to a great start this year and already showing how much he has grown in his ability to stay on task and complete work independently since last year,” shares Mrs. Lee, Supervising Teacher. “He is doing work that is more challenging and approaching it with a mature attitude. I look forward to seeing how much he will achieve this year with his continued commitment to his academics.” 

High School Scholar of the Month: Samantha G. of Concord

“Samantha is actively engaged in her Chemistry course and is currently receiving an A in the course,” shares Mrs. Woodley, High School Teacher. “She is on schedule and achieving high marks in this science course. Samantha is a pleasure to have in class.”

“Congratulations to all of our September Scholars of the Month. There are many talented scholars at CCS, and this program is one of the many ways we recognize and celebrate their hard work,” shares J.J. Lewis, Superintendent & CEO. “Please join all of us at CCS in celebrating all of our September Scholars of the Month from across the Compass Family of Public Personalized Learning Charter Schools!”

About Compass Charter Schools

Compass Charter Schools (CCS) is a WASC-accredited virtual public charter school network serving thousands of scholars throughout the state. Catering to TK-12 grade scholars, CCS offers the choice of either their homeschool or online academic program. CCS is committed to creating a collaborative virtual learning community, inspiring scholars to appreciate the ways in which arts and sciences nurture a curiosity for lifelong learning, and preparing scholars to take responsibility for their future successes. 

For more information about CCS, visit, via Twitter (, on Facebook ( or on Instagram (

Logan W., Los Angeles Middle School Scholar of the Month 

Charlotte G., San Diego Elementary Scholar of the Month

Joshua H., San Diego High School Scholar of the Month

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