Compass Charter Schools (CCS) Names their Honor Roll Scholars

By April 3, 2017 July 12th, 2017 News

Thousand Oaks, CA – CCS has announced its honor roll scholars for Track C, Semester 1. To qualify for the honor roll, scholars must earn a 3.5 grade point average or higher for the semester. CCS is proud of the accomplishments of these scholars, and the families and teachers who support them.

“I am so proud of all our scholars who have achieved Honor Roll,” said Janae Smith, High School Coordinator. “It is a well deserved recognition that demonstrates our scholars’ continual commitment to working hard throughout the semester, and it’s wonderful to see their hard work pay off.”

46 elementary school (grades K-5) scholars were named to the honor roll, as well as 20 middle school scholars. In high school, 12 received the honor roll distinction.

“Achieving the Honor Roll is truly a great accomplishment,” said J.J. Lewis, President & CEO. “Congratulations to all of our Honor Roll scholars for dedicating countless hours to succeed in their academics, with the support of their learning coaches and our staff. I am so proud of each and every scholar who made the Honor Roll. Please join me in challenging all of our scholars to strive for this high level of academic success.”

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