Compass Charter Schools (CCS) Names their December Scholars of the Month

By January 18, 2018 News

Thousand Oaks, CA – CCS is proud of its scholars and uses its Scholar of the Month program to recognize their accomplishments. The program also ties into the CCS core values with December focusing on teamwork. Scholars are nominated by teachers and staff for their academic excellence, work ethic, leadership skills, and virtual involvement, and selected by the leadership team for the monthly honor.

Online Elementary School Scholar of the Month: Angie G., of Riverside

“Angie is a hardworking scholar who excels in reading and math,” said Sarah Eagleton, elementary school teacher. “Her passion for science and technology shines through her incredible projects and well-written assignments. She is compassionate and engages with her teacher and classmates by showing kindness and respect. Angie is a determined, creative, and hard-working scholar who embodies the core values of our school.”

Online Middle School Scholar of the Month: Kayla C., of Salinas

“Kayla is a kind young lady who cares about her classmates,” said Terrasa McGuire, middle school teacher. “Kayla works very well with others on team projects and encourages her fellow classmates to participate during her learning labs. She is always willing to participate by reading passages and defining vocabulary. Kayla also solves math problems on the whiteboard and participates in hands-on science experiments with her webcam. She asks for input from her classmates and goes out of her way to read her classmates’ discussion posts, and replies with encouragement and positivity.”

Online High School Scholar of the Month: Alani S., of Newbury Park

“Alani is an engaged and active learner in her advanced math course,” said Lynn Woodley, high school teacher. “She is a regular participant in her advanced math learning lab, working to solve advanced math problems collaboratively with her classmates. She thoughtfully contributes to discussions, both live during learning labs and through the course discussions posts. Her academic achievement in the course is excellent!”

Options Program Scholar of the Month: Willa, Ada & Elias M., of Bishop

“Willa, Ada, and Elias epitomize teamwork, so much so that all three scholars are worthy of recognition,” said Susan De La Pena, educational facilitator. “For about a year now they, have volunteered at a soup kitchen sponsored by their family’s church. They enjoy working as a team with the other volunteers to help those in need. Willa, Ada and, Elias spend a lot of time outdoors exploring the world around them and participating in hands-on projects. They are very interested in science and social studies, and work hard to succeed in all of their subjects!”

“Congratulations to all of our December Scholars of the Month. There are many talented scholars enrolled at CCS, and this program is one of the many ways we recognize and celebrate their hard work,” shared J.J. Lewis, President & CEO. “Please join all of us at CCS in celebrating Angie, Kayla, Alani, Willa, Ada and Elias for being named our December Scholars of the Month!”

About Compass Charter Schools  

Compass Charter Schools (CCS) is a WASC-accredited virtual public charter school serving thousands of scholars throughout the state. Catering to TK-12 grade scholars, CCS offers the choice of either their homeschool or online academic program. CCS is committed to creating a collaborative virtual learning community, inspiring scholars to appreciate the ways in which arts and sciences nurture a curiosity for lifelong learning, and preparing scholars to take responsibility for their future successes. For more information about CCS, visit, via Twitter (, on Facebook ( or on Instagram (



   Angie G., Online Elementary School                                    Kayla C., Online Middle School                  


Alani S., Online High School Scholar                              Willa, Ada & Elias M., Options Scholars                         

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