Compass Charter Schools (CCS) Celebrates National School Choice Week Virtually

By January 13, 2021 Blog


During National School Choice Week (NSCW) January 24-January 30, 2021, Compass Charter Schools (CCS), along with many other charters, schools, and organizations, will celebrate School Choice. This year we are all called to do our part to curb the spread of COVID-19. This year participants will not plan in-person events but instead, plan exciting virtual events and activities.


NSCW recognizes all K-12 options, including public charter schools, traditional public schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling. Over the past several years, School Choice Week has grown from an effort that focuses primarily on one week of events to a year-round effort that also provides trusted, practical information for parents who seek to choose education options that meet their children’s needs. Started in 2011, NSCW is now the world’s largest annual celebration of opportunity in education. Over the past nine years, more than 131,000 NSCW events have been planned across the country and worldwide!

This unique time in our country has required us to work together and help families and schools that are struggling. Together, we continue to shine a spotlight on personalized learning options for every scholar, by developing resources for families, including our blogs, learning coach support videos, and more.  We spotlight exceptional educators, scholars, and parents with our many awards, and we assist families as they navigate remote learning and support the individual talents of scholars.

This year, the possibilities are endless, from student art competitions, online information sessions, virtual movie nights, school and home decoration, and car parades. The NSCW website provides free activity kits to help bring your ideas to life. Click here for all activities. And learning coaches, you can find some great activity ideas here.

Example- Super Scholar Workbook page:                                                          Example- Best Teacher Award:


Every January, local reporters near you are looking for ways to cover how School Choice Week is being celebrated near them. We want to connect local reporters with you so you can click here to share why you celebrate and tell the story of what school choice means for your school or family.

Post all your celebrations and fun activities on all Compass social media @CompassCs with #ChooseCompass with the following hashtags: @SchoolChoiceWeek on Facebook and Instagram, and @SchoolChoiceWk on Twitter, or use #schoolchoice and #schoolchoiceweek!

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