4 Ways That Parents Can Support Other Parents

By October 25, 2017 Blog


It’s no secret that parenting comes with an endless set of rewards and challenges. While parents do their best to support their children, teach them manners and help them “walk a straight line,” sometimes children just move to the beat of their own drum. There are thousands of children who simply don’t fit the mainstream standard of “normal” and truthfully that is because every child is unique and requires personalized attention and guidance. Many families choose independent study programs like Compass Charter Schools (CCS) to give their children the individualized learning experience and support that they deserve.

While it is important that parents give their children the personalized support that they need, it is a benefit that they too feel supported and encouraged. A parent’s desire to help their children succeed and achieve their academic goals can sometimes be hindered by a misunderstanding of the child’s needs or a lack of confidence on the part of the parent. Often tackling the lack of knowledge or confidence is solved by a few words of encouragement or ideas from someone who has been there before. When parents feel confident about their ability to help their children, they are often more likely to instill confidence in their children and help them achieve their goals.

Here are four important ways that parents can support other parents and ultimately help their children succeed:

Build a Community

It’s important that parents have a place where they can comfortably share their parenting experiences, ask questions and learn from others. There are several different types of communities that parents can join for support including local parenting groups that host in-person meetings, social media groups that welcome parents from across the state or nationally and many others. In fact, twice a month CCS hosts Coaches’ Corner sessions to support its scholars’ parents or Learning Coaches. During these sessions, parents are able to receive advice from school staff and hear from other parents. They are able to ask questions and have open, honest and unjudged conversations with their peers. Families who choose an independent study program like CCS often have a lot of questions about how they can support their scholar’s academic journey. Coaches’ Corner sessions help give them the support, acceptance, confidence, and reassurance they need to guide their children. When children are supported they often feel more encouraged to achieve their goals.

Be a Resource

It’s imperative that parents remember the highs and lows of their parenting journey and exercise compassion and understanding toward other parents who may be having a challenging experience. More experienced parents with older children should consider offering kind advice to parents with younger children. While some parents may be able to give specific advice on parenting and supporting a child’s needs, others can offer empathy and a smile. No kind gesture is too small when it comes to supporting other parents. It’s important to remember that sharing compassion with other parents could make a profound difference in their parenting experience.     

Ask for Help

Asking for help is one of the best ways that parents can determine what their children need and how to guide them. CCS has a counseling team that offers parents the support they need. Parents are encouraged to speak with the counselors about their child’s progress, growth, development and anything else that’s on their mind.There are plenty of other sources that parents can turn to for help like teachers, school staff, other parents, doctors and many others. Asking for help can offer parents insight on topics that they may not have considered and also give them the tools to help their children achieve their goals. The more insight parents have, the more confident they will feel about their decisions and lead their children in the right direction to help them succeed.

Avoid Comparisons

Parents often help their children set goals and guide them as they work to achieve their goals. It’s critical that parents remember that children learn and progress at their own pace, and they should avoid comparing their children to others. Accomplishing goals often requires a lot of dedication, determination and hard work. During this process, parents should strive to encourage each other to be patient with their children and proud of their progress. They should avoid pushing their children to keep up with others. It’s important that parents eliminate any overly competitive behaviors that could make a parent feel inferior and therefore make their children feel inferior too. When other children accomplish their goals it’s important to celebrate with them and resist the urge to compare their children’s progress and achievements.

Throughout October CCS is celebrating scholars’ achievements. However, it’s important to remember the role that parents play in helping their children achieve their goals. When parents are able to share their experiences in a comfortable, judge-free place they are more likely to express their needs and gain access to the tools they need to better support their children. When children receive the support they need from their parents they are more likely to set goals, chase their dreams and achieve success.


Compass Charter Schools (CCS) is a WASC-accredited virtual charter school that serves families throughout California. Interested in learning more about CCS’ flexible academic programs? Visit our website, or contact our enrollment team at enrollment@compasscharters.org or (877) 506-8631.

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